Tuesday, February 07, 2006


The amount of things which change in a month! People say that life is short, and we compare it to withering grass, a metaphor which has never seemed more true, and yet the inverse is equally true. It doesn't seem like a month since New Year, since I started this web journal. But this, my sixteenth post, is written on the one month anniversary of blog conception. And no smart comments on how much of a life I mustn't have, please. I know already.

It's strange how time can move so slowly and yet so quickly.

Reason might suggest that it is the formulation of ideals and personality struggles which are not unknown in the years of adolescence, which renders the status quo. Not convinced though. Adults, as well as hip and trendy teens such as I, have the same issue with time, or so I am led to believe. The answer then, is not to continually blame stages of life, or the circumstances thereof; and also not to stand and wonder at the fickleness of time. This is a fact, and will remain so until, like the grass, your corporeal existence has withered away. The answer is to accept this as it is, and to get on with life, striving to do our best in each individual task set before us. Of course, as Christians, we have a higher aim, and to worship and glorify our Creator Redeemer should be our primary pursuit.



Blogger Daniel said...

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3:43 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Just remember my friend that although the grass withers, it re-grows stronger with time. With its death many seeds are released; not long after the initial withering, new shoots sprout, covering the previously barren area. In fact, the new shoots overrun this region, and so seek fresh pastures.



3:44 AM  

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