Wednesday, May 17, 2006


"The liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the laws of nature because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever, human or divine, collective or individual."

- Mikhail Bakunin, Dieu et L'etat, 1882

Anarchism is nowadays a widely misunderstood concept, the meaning of the word 'anarchy' come to imply some sort of dissolute and violent state. The word, as most anarchists use it, does not imply chaos, nihilism or anomie, but rather a harmonious anti-authoritarian society that is based on individual self-determination and personal involvement.

There are close links with Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, communism, feminism (unfortunately with the modern bra-burning manhaters as well as the Suffragettes), the labour movement & working class and environmentalism. There are Christian anarchists, and surprisingly, anarcho-capitalists.

Peter Kropotkin, in 1902, argued that mutual aid was a natural feature of animal and human relations. Most anthropologists agree that the State is not a natural phenomenon and that many hunter-gatherer bands were egalitarian and lacked division of labour, accumulated wealth, or decreed law, and had equal access to resources.

"Property is theft" (Proudhon)


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