Saturday, January 07, 2006


Blueberries. Pot. Tumbleweed. A few words of welcome into the New Year! Hope everybody has had a crazy Yuletide and NY, and a happy one to you if I have been rude enough not to talk to you. In search of something to do on this dark snowy afternoon in early January, I stumbled upon an epiphany. Why not create a weblog, Tom? I thought to myself. Everybody else is doing it. Which, I hasten to add, is not usually a very good reason to do something. Especially if it involves being drunk AND parked on the edge of a cliff, or needle drugs. So, I wended my merry way to a blogspot creating company (which I'm not going to plug any more, because their name is already on the page, at least once), and ta-da!.. here is Tom's blogspot - Caulfield Empathies.

Ever read the novel Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger? It's so wonderful I read it in two days. Not while I was supposed to be studying. Anyway, the protagonist in this gem of a book is Holden Caulfield, who's a bit random and likes to horse around. Stuck for an original name for my blogspot, this name lit upon me like a fly on a pile of three-day old horse manure. Not that I smell bad or anything, it just wasn't a great idea. To be honest, it sounds like the sort of name an emo band would adopt, but don't tell them, because they might start crying.


So, enjoy ranting rambles through the hedgerows of a probably demented sociopath (would I know if i was insane?..), and remember that sometimes, just sometimes, 3 is a magic number.

God bless,



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